It’s Party Time
I can’t believe it has been a year since I started this blog. Hooray, ‘Purposeful Me’ Blog is a year old and what a year it has been. There have been moments when I’ve wondered what came over me to get me to commit to writing a weekly blog. At other times, I have wondered what to write or if I would get inspired in time. 52 posts later and somehow I
Fear Not 2.0
Fear is now a weapon of choice for many taking people hostage and driving agendas that aren't for the betterment of society. Read on for how to respond.
Fear Not
We all have to deal with fear at some point in life. How prepared are you?
Another ‘Take’?
Do you see mistakes as the end of the world or do you see an opportunity to have another go?
Trick or Treat
What comes to mind when you hear the words, ‘Trick or Treat’? This phrase is one we can live by every day of the year, instead of being reminded of it just once a year.
Push your boat out
What is the point of a boat that remains on the shores? What dreams are you sitting on? It’s time to push your boat out, launch in to the deep and let down your net for a catch
Mind Your Language
Science is proving that words matter. What type of words are you speaking or listening to?It’s time to ‘Mind your language’