The Earth Eats Again
The earth is a bottomless belly that keeps swallowing! And LIFE is for living. It’s time to take stock and make the choice to live well.
A Good Exchange
What are you exchanging today for? That’s a question that each of us needs to answer and the answer should motivate us to make necessary changes
The Man With A Spade
It’s easy to make a judgment or have an opinion about a situation or others, but what truly matters is what the person thinks and the actions they are willing to take to achieve their goals. This is what the man with a spade reminded me.
The Ants That Saved Christmas
In life, there are many unexpected twists and turns that take us by surprise. But there are other events that we know are coming well in advance of them happening, so why are many still taken by surprise?
The ‘Lucky’ Ones
Are some people born lucky or do they make their own luck? Today’s post explores this.
The Best Investment
What is the best investment you can make? Some will say it is investment in others, but is that right? It depends on who you ask. Read on for my take on this debate.
Lessons From ‘The Stray’
There are lessons around us if we care to pay attention. Today’s post is about lessons from ‘The Harrogate Stray’ - a truly amazing place.